Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Ministry provides support, comfort, and prayer to parishioners and their families in times of stress, loss, crisis, or life changing events. In responding to Jesus’s call to be good shepherds and share God’s love, we provide a non-judgmental listening presence in the strictest confidence. The committees that fall under this ministry’s umbrella include Pastoral Call, Communion to the Sick, Funerals and Grief, Healing Prayer, Lazarus Committee, Ministry of Caring and Pastoral Care.

The chairperson of the Pastoral Care Ministry is Carolyn Hartko.

Pastoral Call

The Pastoral Call team consists of ministers who make phone calls to parishioners who are homebound, often in recovery from health situations or with persistent health issues that keep them from church. The team checks in on them to determine if they have any needs, but most importantly to offer them the love and care of their parish.

Communion to the Sick

Communion to the Sick is a eucharistic ministry. Volunteers distribute the Eucharist to parishioners who are temporarily or permanently housebound. An attempt is made to match volunteers with recipients who live in the same county, Bedford or Franklin.

Funerals and Grief

Families are guided through the process of planning a dignified Catholic funeral, choosing everything from music to readings, tributes, and those they would like to participate. Diane Burakow and Maria Thackston give the family direction and support through this difficult time.

Healing Prayer

The Healing Prayer group offers prayer with and for any parishioner who is in need. Prayer requests are confidential unless the person gives permission to share the purpose with others.

Lazarus Committee

Diane McVaney coordinates teams of usually four volunteers who plan a funeral reception in Morrow Hall for the family and friends of the deceased. Each team has a leader who, together with the Funeral Coordinator, plans the amount of food for the number of those attending. Along with her team, they set up, give fellowship to those attending, and clean up. Parishioners are asked to contribute finger foods and desserts. The church provides sandwiches and beverages, etc. For the families of the deceased, the Lazarus Committee takes a great burden off them and gives comfort in their difficult time.

Ministry of Caring

Ministry of Caring (MOC) is a lay ministry of Resurrection Catholic Church partnered with Trinity Ecumenical Parish to provide short-term help for families in need of things, such as transportation to the doctor or hospital, a meal for someone just home from the hospital, respite time for the caregiver, etc. JoAnn Ackermann is the Bedford County Coordinator for parishioners in Resurrection and Trinity. Becky Fuzi is the Franklin County Coordinator for parishioners in Resurrection and Trinity. For more information pick up the Ministry of Caring trifold on the rack in the Commons.

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team works with parishioners in crisis who feel they need someone in their corner. We provide a sympathetic ear for as long as the situation exists. There is a promise of confidentiality. Our members can also bring communion to the person they are matched with. The chairperson is Carolyn Hartko.

Volunteer Opportunities

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